
Your icons with customized capabilities

This pygtk software allow you to create icons on your desktop. Not as Gnome or Windows does, you can write a script for each catchable behavior:

To make a little work for you, let's download any plugin you would like to use and cutomize it for your environment !



Some features

IconX manages layers, like TheGimp. Today, 3 kind of layers are implemented:

a text layer (with an empty background). Code:
    <layer name="myText" class="text" x="10" y="20">
      <text value="Hello" color="red"/>

a rectangle layer. Code:
    <layer name="myRect" class="rect" x="10" y="20">
      <properties width="50" height="10" fill="#ffff00" border="#ff0000"/>

an image. Code:
    <layer name="myImage" class="image" x="10" y="20">
      <path value="bookmark.xpm"/>

More about layers

With these 3 kinds of layers, you can build your onw icon:

the combinaison of 2 layers (the XPM image, then, a vertical gradient PNG image). Code:
    <layer name="myImage" class="image" x="10" y="20">
      <path value="bookmark.xpm"/>
    <layer name="myTransparentImage" class="image" x="10" y="20">
      <path value="v-grad.png"/>

See plugins for real samples.